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Mrs. Bridges' chutneys are created by a family-owned company in Carnoustie, on the east coast of Scotland. The chutneys are cooked in traditional open pans with copper bottoms. Additionally, only the very best of natural ingredients are used to create the pear, apple and ginger chutney. As Mrs. Bridges would say: the proof is in the pudding!

No additives and preservatives are used, and only the very best fruits of the Scottish berry fields create this chutney. This is how the traditionally rich flavor is preserved. And it pays off: this pear, apple & ginger chutney has won a Gold Award for its excellent flavor, making this a top quality product.

The pear, apple and ginger chutney can be used on its own, and is particularly good with meat dishes, chicken or a cheese board. But this chutney is also well suited to sandwiches, wraps or baguettes.