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Created by Lindsay Mackay (Sous-chef at the prestigious Carnegie Club at Skibo Castle), CULLISSE Mixed Pepper & Spice Marinade is made from CULLISSE Highland Rapeseed Oil and an aromatic mix of cracked black, white and pink peppercorns, smoked sea salt and star anise. In 2013 it won a Great Taste Award from the Guild of Fine of Food.

Delicious rubbed into steaks of venison and Scotch beef; drizzled over roasted tomatoes; or used for stir-frying vegetables, CULLISSE Mixed Pepper & Spice Marinade is an ideal accompaniment for any time of the year.

  • Cold Pressed Rapeseed Oil (75%),

    Black Peppercorns (8%), Pink Peppercorns (8%), White Peppercorns (8%), Star Anise, Clove, Smoked Sea Salt.

Cullisse Highland Rapeseed Oil with Mixed Pepper & Spice