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The Pomodoro della Mamma are sundried after picking them, and afterwards they are preserved in pure sunflower oil with basil, garlic, oregano, red chilipeppers and salt. With these ingredients, the help of the sun is all the tomatoes need. The proof is in the pudding! That’s why the Pomodoro della Mamma are not only lovely as antipasti, but also excellent on for example a pizza or sandwich. Fancy something different? Then combine the sundried tomatoes with a fish dish. Choose tuna, for example, and flavor it with the Pomodoro della Mamma and Puglia Olive Oil.

The Della Mamma series has many more additional pure products to revel in.

Buon Appetito!

  • tomato (62%), sunflower oil, salt, basil, garlic, oregano, chili pepper, antioxidant: ascorbic acid, acidifier: citric acid.

Pomodoro della Mamma